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2.5 - Export to Unreal
Let's export head mesh, it is a little more complicated. There is a specific skeleton hierarchy for Metahumans inside unreal. For the head export we need body joints as well.
Both head and body joints have spine_04 hierarchy. So we need to delete Body joint's spine_04. Also we don't need thigh joints for the head. Finaly we need to delete unused meshes (E.g. LODs, cartilage, eyeshell etc. If you don't use them)

To export Metahumans from maya to unreal we need to make some preperations. For body we need to delete unused meshes. (E.g. Flipflops,extra LODs, if you don't need them)

Then, select root joint and body_rig and export selected as FBX. So body is ready!

After you delete spine_04 of body, you can drag head joint's spine_04 under spine_03 of body joints.

Select root and head_grp and export selected as FBX.

Here is necessary export options;

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