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Save DNA




After the Joint Transform process, press Save DNA button to save it. Before pressing Save DNA button you can still do additional modifications to the head mesh.

If you close the session and try to open the scene again, Save DNA won't work. Please do this step together with Joint Transform within the same session.


Important Notes:

Save DNA process is directly from Epic Games Metahuman Dna Calibration codes. This function is called through this api. It basically saves the additional data to a .dna file. Dna file holds informations and datas that can not be transferred with .fbx files such as connection nodes and rig systems.

Also important to know what Dna file contains and what is it for.

* Joint Position/Rotation Data
    * Blenshape and Joint Connections with Rig Logic
In fact it contains the full information of Metahuman however inside Unreal Engine Custom Metahuman import process, Unreal uses only these 2 information. So we can be free with other things.
Most of our data comes with the Fbx file.

This function saves the DNA file inside c:/dna_calibration/output folder as CHARACTERNAME.dna file. We will use this file in Unreal Engine later.


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