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1.2 - Metapipe Free Installation

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Download Metapipe Free files from Artstation and unzip the files below inside "C:\Arts and Spells\Scripts"

Metapipe Files

Double click on READ ME file. There is detailed information about installation.

Metapipe READ_ME

Inside the READ_ME.txt file you will see the code below under the #4 step. Change the lines of the code that says "//EDIT HERE//" with your information of names and paths. Write your names and paths inside quotes "". Use forward slash "/" for all of your paths. Delete "//EDIT HERE//" letters as well.

Example (They will be

ROOT_DIR = "c:/dna_calibration"


dnaPath = "c:/Users/Uzay/Documents/Megascans Library/Downloaded/DHI/h344NMUV_asset/1k/asset_source/MetaHumans/CustomDNA/SourceAssets/CustomDNA.dna

Metapipe Free Code

Copy the code above that you modified. Open Maya and click on left up corner settings button. Then click Shelf Editor.

Metapipe Shelf Editor

In the left side, click right up corner plus button. New shelve is created. Rename it to Arts and Spells.

Arts And Spells Shelf Maya

In the right side, click right up corner, there is same button of plus button. This will create shelf content that we will use it to call as button to execute our code. Rename it to Metapipe Free.

Maya Shelf Content

Rename Tooltip to Metapipe Free as well. To change the icon of the button you can click on the right side folder button and load a icon.

Maya Shelf Tooltip

Click on the button "Command" on top of the panel. Then select language as "python".  If you keep the language as "MEL" you will get "Syntax Error". 

Python Maya Shelf

Click on Save All Shelves

Save All Shelves

Go to

Documents/support/plugins/maya/YOUR LATEST QUIXEL BRIDGE VERSION(EG. 7.1)/MSLiveLink/DHI/plugins/Windows/2023.

Find "embededRL4.mll" and copy that file.

Embeded RL4 File

Paste that file inside

Documents/support/plugins/maya/YOUR LATEST QUIXEL BRIDGE VERSION(EG. 7.1)/MSLiveLink/plug-ins.

If there is no folder called "plug-ins", create it exact same with "plug-ins", without using any capslock. Folder naming is important!

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